Macro, Ultramacro and ultraVU Lenses

Macro and ultra macro lenses
Macro and Ultramacro Lenses

Macro Photography

Is the use of specialised lenses for the close up photography of small subjects such as plants, insects and microfossils.  Typically a macro lens will reproduce images of subjects at a ratio of 1:1 (and sometimes greater) with respect to the camera’s sensor size.  This is sometimes called ‘life-size’ photography.  When printed or observed on a screen the subject is therefore significantly magnified.

Ultra Macro Photography

Is the use of specialised lenses for the ultra close up photography of small subjects such as parts of plants, insects and fungal hyphae.  Typically an ultra macro lens will reproduce images of subjects at a magnification far greater than 1:1, (typically 1X to 5X), with respect to the camera’s sensor size.  When printed or observed on a screen the subject is therefore very highly magnified.  Working at these magnifications is overlapping the magnifications achievable with micro photography (or photomicrography if you prefer).

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